The Top Social Media Hashtags

The Top Social Media Hashtags

Hashtag Oh Hashtag, where art though?  So many to watch, follow and contribute to, where do you start? In the search for decent conversations happening on Twitter, I started following a list of hashtags related to social media to find what’s hot and happening in the industry.

I have summed up the top social media hashtags in the list below:

  1. #SocialMedia
    The top Social Media hashtag, this one started by @marc_meyer and is defined as ‘A collaborative effort provided by Neighborhood America and Digital Response Marketing Group, to elevate the discussion of social media’
  2. #SM
    Simply, #sm is the most condensed version of #socialmedia. Perfect for those who like to max out their character count. Interestingly the top discussions around this hashtag have included even some celebrities.
  3. #SocialMediaGuru
    This one is rather hilarious.  Defined as ‘no one’ by @brianchappell. ‘Guru’ is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom, and authority in a certain area.  Though there is much debate around this topic, Social media Guru’s are said not to exist as there has not been enough time or experience around the subject matter to have fulfilled a Guru status.
  4. #scrm
    This is the abbreviation for social customer relationship management. It is the summary for the integration of social media tools with customer relationship management.
  5. #hcsm
    Healthcare is becoming a huge segment dominating the social space, and with it comes this hashtag #hcsm standing for Healthcare Communication and Social Media.
  6. #smm
    Social Media Marketing. What’s the difference between this and #sm or #socialmedia? Good question.
  7. #SocialNetworking
    Is the idea of online networking with your personal and/or business accounts through social media. A great example is LinkedIn.
  8. #SEO
    Search Engine Optimization. Although not considered ‘Social Media’ SEO is hugely influenced by social networks. As defined by Wikipedia, SEO is a way of improving a website or page with search engines. You will notice that the #seo hashtag often follows the #SEM or #SM tag.
  9. #SEM
    Search Engine Marketing. Discussions with this tag often include #seo.
  10. #SMO
    Social Media Optimization. Not like #seo or #sem, #smo are discussions around optimizing social media. What does it mean to #smo? It means to merge traditional media, #sem and social marketing.
  11. #Twitter #Facebook #LinkedIn #Google+
    All the tags for actual social networks themselves.  These are widely understood and used more often then not. Although saturated, these hashtags are a great way to find those tweeting about the networks themselves.
  12. #socialBranding
    Defined to relate to the ways brands are entering online conversation as a way to become more social and to connect with their demographic.
  13. #mobilemarketing
    Anything to do with mobile marketing – checking in, advertising etc.
  14. #smmeasure
    Social media measurement and analytics chat on Thursdays at 12 EST.
  15. #blogchat
    Blogging chat on Sunday at 8 Central.
  16. #socialweb
    General discussion of the use of the Internet as a social tool.
  17. #socialgames
    Related to websites and blogs from social game makers and fans. Social games meaning games on Facebook, Myspace etc.
  18. #emailmarketing
    General discussion of email as a marketing medium.
  19. #HACMO
    Help a community manager out. Questions and answers for community managers.
  20. #communitymanagement
    General discussion of community management.


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