16 Aug 7 Top Social Media SlideShare Presentations
SlideShare boasts thousands of Social Media presentations alone, some awful, while others great. Below is a collection of the Social Media Marketing presentations we love and often refer to in our own presentations.
1. Social Media is Dead. Long Live Social Media ROI
[slideshare id=7349417&doc=xplain-social-media-isdead-2011-110322135253-phpapp01]
2. The Science of Social Media. How to Engineer Contagious Ideas.
[slideshare id=5598403&doc=scienceofsocialmedia-101028130849-phpapp02]
3. The Social Media Marketing Book
[slideshare id=8644237&doc=socialmediamarketing-110720081552-phpapp01]
4. Social Media Metrics
[slideshare id=5720894&doc=socialmediametrics-papercliq-101109175746-phpapp01]
5. Measuring Social Media
[slideshare id=2199510&doc=measuringsocialmedia-091012114332-phpapp02]
6. Top Ten Tips for Social Media Engagement
[slideshare id=5497717&doc=hirsch-cen-webinar-101020003309-phpapp01]
7. Designing Social Media Engagement
[slideshare id=4891785&doc=thesocialmediaengagementfactor-100802230210-phpapp01]
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